Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hand Powered Generators How Can I Make A Hand Powered Generator?

How can I make a hand powered generator? - hand powered generators

I went into the world of science a few weeks ago and was fascinated by his hand-operated generator, so I decided to do. Plans are in line for very small generators, but I saw it was capable of power and a miniature TV camera to another, so you can attached. I visited your site and found no such instructions. I looked in the area of teaching and found an e-mail address that can be contacted directly if a teacher had questions. I e-mail, but it has an automatic reply that there are no more e-mail. So someone he knows how I can make the generator?


food4lio... said...

Well, it's only if you are an exercise for the hand. Tip: Find a flashlight that works by pumping the hand as if from the hand of the athlete ... They are easily available on the market ... Remove the bulb and remove the supply terminal of the bulb to two diodes each soldier for two games, but unlike the others. This will ensure that you have a current issue of the sale. Welding two wires to the free end of doidos and unscrew the body of the torch. Pump the handle of the torch and check the polarity of the assembly with a multimeter. If you know what kind of terminal voltage + brand-name product with a red dot with a marker at the terminal. Now you are ready to hand power to generator power gadgets. The generator would continue food supply as a newspaper torch AR pumps. To achieve continuous power, even if they are pumping the flashlight, rechargeable batteries in parallel [ie with polarity switch to + VE + ve and-ve to - ve] to the torch. Instead of the batteryYou can also use a high-capacity electrolytic Condence sure that with the correct polarity, only the basics, this is connected ... Good Luck

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