Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lou Gehrig\s Disease More Condition_symptoms What Is The Life Expectancy For Someone With ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease?

What is the life expectancy for someone with ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease? - lou gehrig\s disease more condition_symptoms

One of my guitar idols Jason Becker has had since the late 80s. He can not move your body and plays guitar, but by a computer with eye movements. His condition is stable for several years.

I know I can not live forever, but it seems to be to overcome the difficulties. What is the average life expectancy of this disease?

For familiar with his game, it's worth on the web. At 17 he released his first solo album, a mixture of metal and neo-classical music, and helped to consolidate the neo classical shred movement.


ilse72 said...

Your hero has already been to undercut the likelihood that are not yet predict how long she has left. As soon as the diagnosis, the average life expectancy of 2 to 5 years. However, at about 5% of diagnosed cases have been living for 20 years.

There is even a small percentage of people complain about the complete cessation of disease progression and an even smaller number of persons whose disease course contrary!

Buzzy said...

I am not sure anyone knows exactly, I had a friend who has lived more than 5 years. Then I met others who have disappeared in 6 months.

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